Assignment for 11/10/10:


      Listen to Clay Shirky:

     TED Talk 6/10 How cognitive surplus will change the world

     TED Talk 1/09 The Web 2.0 Revolution

      Look at:

     “Webibliography” commentary on Shirky’s Here Comes Everybody


     Reinhardt, Wheeler, & Ebner (2010), All I Need to Know about Twitter in Education I Learned in Kindergarten

      Moskaliuk & Kimmerle (2008), Learning and Knowledge Building with Wikis


     Collins & Halverson (Ch. 7-10)

      Think about your experiences with social media, especially:




     Wikipedia (or other wiki-format site)

1.      How applicable are the features and affordances of these tools to traditional educational ends?

2.      How do you think these tools might affect education in general? (positively or negatively)

3.      What do you see as the “next step” in social media?